what is a pronoun?
Pronouns are words used to refer to a person when not using their name. Some examples of pronouns include:
- she/her/hers
- he/him/his
- they/them/theirs
why are pronouns important?
cohealth is committed to providing safe and inclusive services and work environments.
Trans, gender diverse and non-binary (TGDNB) people often experience stigma and discrimination in their day to day lives. This includes when incorrect names or pronouns are used.
Misgendering is the most common form of exclusion and/or discrimination that TGDNB people face. Misgendering occurs when you use the wrong pronoun, title or other gendered language to refer to a person.
Sometimes pronouns relate to or imply a person’s gender identity but it is important not to assume gender identity based on pronouns. It is also important not to assume someone’s pronouns based on their name, the way they look, or act.
Some people may use non gendered pronouns such as they/them/theirs. Using the correct pronoun is an important part of making someone feel welcome, visible and safe.
cohealth’s commitment
cohealth is dedicated to ensuring trans, gender diverse and non-binary staff and consumers feel safe and supported.
As part of our commitment we now provide the option to include pronouns in staff email signatures.
Even if you don’t identify as TGDNB, indicating your pronouns is a way to show support for TGDNB colleagues and consumers.
It’s really important that the only people sharing their pronouns aren’t trans and gender diverse people.
Changing our language demonstrates allyship and is a powerful step toward making our practices and workplaces more inclusive.