cohealth welcomes Minister Ley’s public consultations to reform Australia’s primary health care system.
cohealth Chief Executive Lyn Morgain said the Federal Government’s Primary Health Care Advisory Group would bring new options and new voices to the table to improve an expensive and fragmented health system.
“A growing number of Australians are experiencing chronic and complex illnesses, so we need a system that refocuses on primary health care and prevention rather than expensive hospital care.
“Our community health experience suggests that integrated health, delivered close to where people live, can provide a better quality of care for long term or sporadic conditions such as diabetes, mental illness, and heart and lung disease. What’s more, this model is also more cost effective for the health budget.
“I’m encouraged by the Minister’s invitation to help build a system around the people who use the system most, a system that helps people manage their illnesses and streamline their interaction with multiple health professions.
Ms Morgain said that cohealth would engage with its service users – some of Melbourne’s most disadvantaged communities experiencing high rates of chronic physical and mental illness, to inform a response to the advisory group’s discussion paper.
“We know that where people live, their socio-economic background, and access to primary health services are key drivers leading to chronic and complex health conditions – these factors also need to be taken into account in reforms that focus on better health and well-being.