Healthy bodies and healthy minds this holiday season

Released on 15th December 2022

Don’t let the summer season interrupt your good health habits! 

That’s the message from cohealth’s Brimbank mental health and wellbeing local service. 

“With the holiday season in full swing, it’s easy to let slip some of the routines that keep us feeling good, like exercise and good diet,” said Suzanne Dick, cohealth Director, Mental Health Transformation. 

“There are a range of tools that can help people maintain a healthy body and healthy mind,” said Ms Dick. 

 “The festive season can be a time for connecting with loved ones and reflecting on the year that was,” said Ms Dick.  

“But for some, this can be a difficult time of year when relationships are tested, finances are stretched, or feelings of isolation and loneliness are heightened.  

Ms Dick also highlighted the unique perspective of people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities during the holiday period. 

“For people whose traditions have key celebrations at other times of the year, they can be left feeling different or excluded, contributing to isolation and disconnection.” 

cohealth Brimbank mental health and wellbeing Local Service’s top tips for maintaining a healthy body and mind are: 

  1. The things that kept you healthy through the year are the same things that will keep you healthy and well in December – particularly when you may be experiencing extra pressure. Prioritise your own wellbeing. 
  2. Learn to say no. Don’t feel pressured to attend every end-of-year gathering – a more relaxed catch up in the new year may be far more pleasurable for everyone! 
  3. Try to keep up an exercise routine, even if it’s just making the decision to park further away or stick to your regular gym class. Keep moving.  Could you catch up with a friend or family member for a walk and chat at a park? 
  4. We can indulge at this time of year with gifts of chocolate, and eating out with friends and family more common. Prioritise your wellbeing at other times, noticing what you put into your body impacts how your feel. This goes double for alcohol and other ways in which you may ‘party’ at this time of year.  All things in moderation.  
  5. Manage your relationships – there can be pressure to be the ‘perfect family’ or to conform to please others. Balance the time you spend with others who may take your energy and leave you feeling drained versus those that fill you up is an important part of staying well. 

Live in Brimbank and need help? 

The Brimbank Mental Health and Wellbeing Local Service is operated by cohealth and provides free mental health and wellbeing treatment, care and support for people aged 26 and over. 

No referral is needed to access the service. 

How to access the Brimbank Mental Health and Wellbeing local service: 

Phone: Call Monday to Friday on 9448 5522 between 8am and 6pm. If you need a translator call TIS National on 13 14 50 and ask for an interpreter, then ask for them to call us.   



The following services are open throughout the Christmas break: 


Depression, anxiety and related disorders
24 hours/7 days
1300 22 4636


Crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services
24 hours/7 days
13 11 14 

For additional mental health helplines, go to


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