new covid-19 testing clinics now running at cohealth

Posted on 18th May 2020
testing clinics

The Victorian Government has asked that cohealth set up and operate several COVID-19 testing clinics in Melbourne to ensure the ongoing safety of the community. In addition to the respiratory clinic at the cohealth centre Laverton, cohealth has also set up medical clinics which are now testing for coronavirus in Melbourne CBD, West Melbourne, West Footscray and Collingwood.

Diagnosing possible cases of coronavirus early, even when symptoms are mild, helps us control the spread of the virus and helps to make decisions about the potential easing of restrictions.

The safety and wellbeing of our neighbours, clients and staff is our highest priority. We have put in place all the required Government requirements for social distancing and health and safety protocols for people to be safely tested and receive the care they need.

COVID-19 testing is free to anyone with cold or flu like symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat or tiredness.

Are you concerned you may have coronavirus? Find out more information on how and where to get tested.

Select a location and book online

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