cohealth is pleased to announce that it is part of a consortium that has been chosen by the Victorian Government to lead the development of the Collaborative Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing (Victorian Collaborative Centre), one of the key recommendations of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health system.
The Victorian Collaborative Centre, led by the Royal Melbourne Hospital and The University of Melbourne with the support of more than 20 partner agencies will bring together people with lived experience, researchers and health professionals to lead critical improvements in the mental health system.
cohealth is the only community health agency represented within the consortium, which cohealth says is a great honour.
cohealth has a wealth of experience and expertise in designing and delivering place-based health services, including mental health services across the north and west of Melbourne.
Having community health involved in the establishment of the Victorian Collaborative Centre will ensure that principles of codesign, place-based care and community-led practice will be embedded from the very beginning.
Having a network of experienced partners working towards a common goal will ensure the creation of an innovative and inclusive Collaborative Centre underpinned by clinicians, service providers, academics, researchers, and the lived and living experience community.
cohealth, along with its consortium partners, including leading universities and specialist providers across Victoria, looks forward to contributing to a truly innovative and uniquely Victorian mental health initiative.