Partner with us to reduce inequity and improve health outcomes for people who need us most
Strong partnerships with community, health providers, philanthropy, private enterprise, non-health sectors and government underpin cohealth’s work, enabling us to respond holistically to complex client needs and remove barriers to good health and wellbeing.
Through your generosity, commitment, and shared belief in caring for all, cohealth can continue its important work, and keep on being bold and brave in our design and delivery of innovative, value-based care for communities.
We are always seeking aligned opportunities to make a meaningful impact for our communities, through philanthropic gifts, donations and corporate partnerships. If you’re interested in partnering with us, or making a contribution, please email
*A. Giusti, K. Nkhoma, R. Petrus, I. Petersen, L. Gwyther, L. Farrant, S. Venkatapuram, R. Harding. “The empiral evidence underpinning the concept and practice of person-centred care for serious illness: a systemic review”, BMJ Global Health, 2020.