cohealth launches next stretch reconciliation action plan

Posted on 27th August 2020
Reconciliation Action Plan

Since cohealth’s inception in 2014, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing has been a priority. With a strong history of commitment to human rights and reconciliation, cohealth is proud to launch the implementation of the 2020–2023 Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan.

The development of cohealth’s 2020–2023 Stretch RAP commenced in May 2019 and has been informed by extensive consumer and staff consultation.

“It’s integral that we centre the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and community members,” says Jennifer Tobin, cohealth’s Diversity Manager.

“We’re really proud of the positive steps we’ve made towards reconciliation, but there is still a lot more to be done. We look forward to continuing to progress reconciliation in partnership with the communities we work with.”

Over the next 3 years cohealth is committed to:

  • Ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members are involved in the design, delivery and evaluation of services
  • Developing and maintaining mutually beneficial and purposeful partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander controlled organisations
  • Increasing staff knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories and achievements by providing meaningful learning opportunities
  • Providing cultural connection opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers and community
  • Increasing culturally safe services by embedding culturally appropriate service delivery models
  • Engaging in organisational truth-telling processes
  • Improving employment outcomes by increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment, retention and professional development
  • Contributing to ‘Closing the Gap’ through a range of initiatives that improve health and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Ensuring the voices of Traditional Owners and Elders are central in decision making and governance

cohealth is thankful to the Elders, community members, consumers, partner organisations and staff that have supported our RAP journey.

We would particularly like to thank the Billabong BBQ and Braybrook Foodshare community members, the Boon Wurrung Foundation and the Wurundjeri Council for their support in making cohealth a culturally safe and inclusive service and workplace for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

For more information go to cohealth’s Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2020 – 2023.

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