Sometimes older people experience mistreatment and disrespectful behaviour – even by those closest to them, like friends and family. This mistreatment may be financial, emotional, social, physical abuse or neglect.
cohealth has partnered with Justice Connect to help older people experiencing elder abuse and other legal issues. This partnership puts a lawyer into our health care teams to improve legal and health outcomes for older people.
Service details
What are Justice’s Connect’s focus areas?
Property matters
For example, some older people decide they want to live with family who will care for them. To do this, they may sell their property or transfer it to their family. A lawyer can speak to the older person to make sure the arrangement works for them.
Banking, credit and debt
Legal help is available for older people who have signed loan documents they didn’t understand or didn’t want to sign. A lawyer can also help older people if they have incurred a debt or a fine due to elder abuse.
Preparation of simple wills for older people who are experiencing or are at risk of elder abuse.
Assistance with VCAT matters
Advice to clients in relation to guardianship or administration/financial management orders.
Decision making
Help with enduring powers of attorney and medical treatment decision maker appointments.