Speech pathology services can help with the communication skills of your young child through play and everyday activities.
Service details
cohealth Speech Pathologists can provide assessment, support, and advice for children in the following areas:
- receptive language skills (their understanding of spoken language eg. following instructions)
- expressive language skills (using spoken words to ask for what they want, share ideas, and ask questions)
- speech clarity (their words are understood by others)
- fluency (eg. reducing stuttering)
- voice quality (eg. reducing husky, gravelly, harsh voice)
- social interaction skills (eg. using words, facial expressions and eye contact to interact with others)
We may work with children in one-on-one sessions, groups with other children, or through visits to childcare centres or kindergartens, as needed.
We also educate parents and teachers, empowering them to provide ongoing support for children.