Having dedicated Research and Evaluation resources ensures good research and evaluation practice across cohealth by providing support and expertise and developing cross-organisational strategies, frameworks, partnerships and projects.
cohealth has made a strategic commitment to continuously evaluate and improve our services, and conduct research to contribute to the evidence base.
All research and evaluation activities undertaken at cohealth require some level of ethics review in order to ensure it is consistent with relevant ethical and human rights guidelines, standards and laws.
cohealth resources a Human Ethics Advisory Group (HEAG) to assess research and evaluation projects to ensure they are undertaken in an ethical manner and implemented in alignment with the principles and values of cohealth.
External researchers or students wishing to conduct a research, evaluation or data analysis project with cohealth must identify a cohealth staff member to act as project sponsor. This will usually be the manager of the specific program or service with whom researchers wish to engage. The project sponsor’s role is to manage/oversee cohealth’s engagement in the project, including application to HEAG.
For further information about cohealth research processes and ethics policy, please email research@cohealth.org.au.