We want your help to make Brimbank the most thriving, connected and healthy community it can be.
Brimbank mental health and wellbeing local, a new mental health and wellbeing service delivered by cohealth, provides people in Brimbank with immediate and free mental health and wellbeing support.
To make this and future services even better, we want to know:
- what the Brimbank community needs
- what already exists in Brimbank
- how we can link services to improve access and support.
How you can help
Tell us what it is like to access mental health and wellbeing support in Brimbank today and/or how you want it to be in the future.
Register to be a community designer and:
- share your experiences and ideas
- learn new skills
- connect with others
- give back to your community by helping design better services.
This year you can get involved in:
- interviews or conversations about your experiences
- drop in design and feedback sessions at local events.
When you register, you can decide what activities you want to get involved in.
Resources for Community designers
When you register as a community designer we will email or post a welcome pack to you. It covers what you need to know to get started and introduces our project and service.
We have recorded a video about what we are doing and what to expect (Youtube)
Gói chào mừng dành cho cố vấn cộng đồng – Video (English with captions)
We have also created a document you can download and read (Word, 2MB)
tôi cũng đã tạo một tài liệu mà bạn có thể tải xuống và đọc (Word, 2MB)