cohealth welcomes Parliamentary recommendations to make services more accessible for older people from culturally diverse backgrounds

Released on 4th August 2022

cohealth has welcomed the 76 recommendations arising from the parliamentary inquiry into support for older Victorians from migrant and refugee backgrounds, and applauded the committee for its thoroughness and willingness to listen to the community. 

“It’s heartening to see that the committee has listened to older people from culturally diverse backgrounds and the organisations that support them,” said Robyn Wilmshurst, Health Ageing Lead, cohealth. 

Many of the Committee’s final recommendations align with the seven recommendations made in cohealth’s submission, including investment in language services for older people, boosting the bicultural workforce, investing in more ‘navigator’ roles to help older people connect with the services they need and ensuring services are culturally safe for all consumers. 

“Older people from migrant and refugee backgrounds are not a homogeneous group of people, and their needs and experiences exist across a spectrum,” said Ms Wilmshurst. 

“We recognise that some older people in the CALD community need no or little support to participate in civic and community life.  

“But some within the community face multiple barriers to accessing the support they need, and our job is to create a system where everyone has equal access to good health and wellbeing. 

“Everybody has the right to live with dignity and respect regardless of age or cultural background, and the parliamentary inquiry and its recommendations make important steps towards achieving that outcome,” said Ms Wilmshurst. 

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More on cohealth: 

cohealth is one of Australia’s largest not-for-profit community health organisation that strives to improve health and wellbeing for all.  cohealth provides universal access to services as well as targeted programs and assertive models to address the health disparities experienced by disadvantaged groups. cohealth offers a broad range of high quality, integrated health and support services, including medical, oral, pharmacy, mental health and drug and alcohol services. 

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