cohealth welcomes today’s announcement that its community health centre in the city is the Victorian Government’s preferred location for a second Medically Supervised Injecting Facility in Victoria.
Nicole Bartholomeusz, cohealth Chief Executive, said that a medically supervised injecting room located at cohealth in the city gives cohealth the opportunity to minimise harm for individuals at risk and potentially save lives.
Being one of Victoria’s largest community health organisations providing a range of health and social support services for many years, cohealth is extremely well placed to deliver this type of service. cohealth is dedicated to supporting the health and wellbeing of the community, with a focus on those who are more vulnerable.
“cohealth has always supported evidence-based drugs policy so it was really pleasing to see that the independent review of the two-year trial of the medically supervised injecting room has validated this policy response and recommended an expansion,” said Ms Bartholomeusz.
“The Victorian Government deserves to be congratulated for continuing to listen to the evidence and showing leadership on this issue,” said Ms Bartholomeusz.
About the future plan, Ms Bartholomeusz said, “While the cohealth’s community health centre in the city has been identified as the preferred location, we are clearly still in the a very early stage in the process.”
“Over the coming months we will work with the Victorian Government to consult the local community, local council, Victoria Police and other relevant stakeholders around the suitability of the site and related operational details,” said Ms Bartholomeusz.
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more information: Andrew Blyberg 0401 691 666
More on cohealth:
cohealth is a Victorian not-for-profit community health organisation that strives to improve health and wellbeing for all. It provides universal access to services as well as targeted programs and assertive models to address the health disparities experienced by disadvantaged groups. cohealth offers a broad range of high quality, integrated health and support services, including medical oral, pharmacy, mental health and drug and alcohol services.