We’re excited about improving primary care in Tasmania’s East Coast.
On the East Coast of Tasmania GPs are facing huge demand for health care from an ageing population and people with chronic health issues.
Everyone has the right to access the health services they need, when they need them, regardless of their postcode or their bank balance. But people living in rural and regional communities, those living on low incomes or facing other disadvantage often miss out on healthcare, despite having a higher rate of chronic health problems.
Tasmania has some of the lowest bulk billing rates in the country. People on the East Coast struggle to find a local specialist and are forced to travel to Hobart or Launceston.
We know that fewer people would end up in hospital if they got affordable healthcare when they need it, close to home.
“We’re thrilled to be welcoming cohealth to Triabunna and Bicheno to support our community to improve their health and wellbeing. Working with a multidisciplinary team of health professionals, people get the healthcare they need, right when they need it” – Teegan Parker, Practice Manager, East Coast Health.