In October 2022, cohealth was named Premier’s Health Service of the Year (Primary) and the Supporting LGBTIQ+ Health Service at the Victorian Public Healthcare Awards. These awards are testament to the incredible 2021 we had, where cohealth’s 1200+ staff demonstrated courage, leadership, innovation and agility.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it unforeseen demands and pressure, and in 2021 coheath met those challenges, while never wavering on the support and services our clients rely on.
We have been pivotal to Victoria’s testing and vaccination programs, with a flexibility that allowed us to get new clinics and services up and running within incredibly short timeframes. Through the COVID Positive Pathways program cohealth triaged one-third of all COVID-positive patients in Victoria, which allowed hospitals to focus on delivering care to those who were seriously ill.
cohealth continued building trust with marginalised communities across Victoria, supporting them to access vital information and services, and embedding ourselves in communities.
The Premier’s Health Service of the Year (Primary) reflects the hard work and innovation that cohealth showed in 2021.
Being the recipient of the Supporting LGBTIQ+ Health award is something everyone at cohealth is extremely proud of. Across the organisation there is a deep understanding of the barriers to healthcare that LGBTIQA+ people face. We are committed to removing those barriers and to advancing LGBTIQA+ inclusion and safety for our clients, as well as our staff.
This award goes hand in hand with the Service Provider of the Year award that we received at the Pride in Health + Wellbeing awards in April 2022. We see this award as recognition of the work we do to make cohealth a culturally safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for both clients and staff.
Being recognised with these awards is a wonderful thing for everyone at cohealth, as it validates the dedication and enthusiasm for their work that our staff show every day. But most importantly, these awards affirm our commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of our communities while championing health and social equity for all.