cohealth acknowledges that for many people, 26 January is very painful date. For many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the date signifies the beginning of violence, loss of sovereign land rights, destruction of culture, family separation, exploitation and loss of lives.
The negative impacts of colonisation on the lives of many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples can still be observed today, including intergenerational trauma, health disparity, discrimination and more.
We are committed to addressing race-based discrimination, and therefore, as an organisation, we strongly oppose using 26 January as the date for an inclusive celebration of our national identity.
We support a continuing national conversation to change the date of our national day from January 26. Continuing this dialogue will allow us to reflect on who are as a nation and what we stand for. It will help us collectively choose a date in our history that best reflects the positive values and attributes we share as a nation.
We stand strongly and proudly with community to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Below are some local events you can attend to stand in solidarity with community and show your support:
Invasion Day Dawn Service
Melbourne Invasion Day March
Share the Spirit Festival