Improving Childhood Asthma Management (ICAM)

A cohealth staff member and client read the brochure for our 'Improving Childhood Asthma' program

From 2022 cohealth has contributed the improving childhood asthma management (ICAM) project in Melbourne’s inner west.

Want to know more about ICAM? Scroll to the bottom of this page for evaluation reports or contact

Community Asthma Program

cohealth’s Community Asthma Program is available for families with children who have asthma or preschool asthma. Asthma nurse educators works one on one with families to provide support and education to manage asthma.

Find out more about cohealth’s Community Asthma Program or make a referral here. 

See below for some resources about childhood asthma self-management.  

Childhood asthma self-management resources

This brochure includes information and services in Melbourne’s Inner West that can help families to understand and manage childhood asthma. 

Breathe Easy has been distributed to communities, doctors, schools across the Inner West. Breathe Easy is available in Arabic, English, Simplified Chinese, and Vietnamese.

Download the brochure in English here.

Download it in Vietnamese here.

Download it in Simplified Chinese here.

Download it in Arabic here.

This bilingual storybook follows Minh’s family as they journey from their first asthma symptoms to diagnosis to asthma self-management.

Codesigned with the Vietnamese-speaking women’s group in Brimbank, the story is in English and Vietnamese. Aimed at children aged 5 – 9 and their families, the storybook was launched in May 2023 and is available at Local Libraries and primary schools. 

Download a copy here.

A cohealth asthma educuator reading Minh's Asthma Story to two children

ICAM partnered with CHASE and Khorus Media to promote asthma self-management among young people through video storytelling. Over eight weeks, young people with asthma participated in video storytelling workshops and were mentored to produce their own videos promoting asthma self-management in young people. These videos will be featured in a social media campaign across the Inner West in May 2023, and at the CHASE showcase in June 2023. Asthma now features within the CHASE curriculum as a case study of how climate change impacts health.  

Watch the videos on the cohealth YouTube channel.

Always use an asthma spacer

Asthma hero Patrick uses a spacer

Keira talks about thunderstorm asthma

Kayla can manage her asthma

Soul stays active while managing his asthma

Do you have an up-to-date Asthma Action Plan

Edwin doesn’t let asthma slow him down

The Water Well Project offers free health information sessions including asthma for community groups from migrant, refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds. To organise an asthma information session for your community group, please contact The Water Well Project.

We partnered with Safer Care Victoria to support sharing consumer voices. 

Three consumers shared their stories of interacting with the childhood asthma care system. You can watch and read them here.

Read Dkung’s translated story here


We have created posters promoting our Community Asthma Program. These posters provide information about how to access CAP and the type of support you can get.

Download the poster here.

Order your free copy here.

Here is an overview of our Health Promotion results from the development and implementation of Project 6: Improve Asthma Self Management 2022-2023.

ICAM Sustain (2023-2024) – summary report

ICAM is an initiative of the Improving Childhood Asthma Management (ICAM) – Inner West Program; funded by the Victorian Government and delivered in partnership with Asthma Australia, cohealth, National Asthma Council Australia, Royal Children’s Hospital and Safer Care Victoria.

Find out more on the Department of Health website here.

About us

cohealth is a not-for-profit community health organisation. We provide essential health and support services in Melbourne’s CBD, inner-north and inner-west, and the east coast of Tasmania.

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